How Your Planned Gifts Help
Planned gifts are vital to ensuring that future individuals in need can find hope and lasting solutions at Catholic Charities. Some donors have chosen to designate their support to a particular program, but others have allowed Catholic Charities the flexibility to use their gift for the greatest needs of the time. A member of the Catholic Charities Development team can help connect you to the right opportunity.
If you complete the process outlined below and sign a Gift Agreement with Catholic Charities, your planned gift will be recognized as a deferred commitment in the current fiscal year and stewarded by the Catholic Charities Development Department.
Questions? Contact efiscus@ccpgh.org.
Ways to Give
Charitable Bequest
A charitable bequest is one of the easiest ways you can leave a lasting impact on our organization. By including a bequest to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh in your will or living trust, you will make a profound difference in the lives of our communities’ most vulnerable individuals and their families for years to come.
This flexible gift option can be revised at any time, and can be made as a specific amount or a percentage of your estate. In addition, your gift entitles your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction.
Charitable Gift Annuity
This type of gift offers you a tax deduction and a partially tax-free fixed income for life. The dollar amount you will receive is determined by your age and the age of any other beneficiary you name at the time of the gift. Or, to defer payments for a certain number of years, consider a Deferred Payment Gift Annuity.
Charitable Remainder Trust
With a charitable remainder trust, you can receive income each year (either fixed or variable) from assets you place in the trust. After your lifetime, the balance in the trust goes to the charities of your choice.
Charitable Trust Donation
This type of gift offers you a tax deduction and a partially tax-free fixed income for life. The dollar amount you will receive is determined by your age and the age of any other beneficiary you name at the time of the gift. Or, to defer payments for a certain number of years, consider a Deferred Payment Gift Annuity.
Donate Stocks
If you give stocks you’ve owned for more than one year that are worth more than when you purchased them, you’ll qualify for significant tax advantages.
Donor-Advised Funds
A donor-advised fund (DAF), which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh and other qualified charities. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts.
IRA Rollover
A Special Opportunity for Those 70½ Years Old and Older
You can give any amount (up to a maximum of $100,000) per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh without having to pay income taxes on the money. Gifts of any value $100,000 or less are eligible for this benefit, and you can feel good knowing that you are making a great difference in the community. This popular gift option is commonly called the IRA charitable rollover – please ask your financial advisor for details.
Life Insurance Policy
Naming Catholic Charities as a beneficiary to your current paid life insurance policy or purchasing a new policy will give you a charitable income tax deduction.
If you have already included a gift to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh or to our subsidiary Catholic the Catholic Charities Free Health Care Center in your will, please contact efiscus@ccpgh.org and let us know about your intentions.
Make Sure We Can Carry Out Your Wishes
It is very important that your bequest be accurately and clearly described in your estate plan so that we can carry out your wishes as you intended. We are pleased to consult with you regarding the terms of your bequest to make sure that we will be able to carry out your intentions. In order to avoid any possible question that your bequest is to our organization, be sure to include our full legal name and our federal tax identification number in your bequest.
Legal name: Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Current Address: 212 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Tax identification number: Catholic Charities Diocese of Pittsburgh 25-1326213
If you are interested in your gift supporting the Catholic Charities Free Health Care Center, please use the following information:
Legal Name: Catholic Charities Free Health Care Center
Current Address: 212 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Tax identification number: Catholic Charities Free Health Care Center 65-1307739
If you would like to restrict your gift to one of our other programs please contact us for more information for recommended language to include with your gift.