March 2023 – Life and Dignity of the Human Person
In Adam, God combined the most basic with the most exalted. We remain dust, animated by our Father’s breath. In this state we’re called to do the work He has set before us as individuals and communities. It’s often easier to focus on the frailties and deficits we see in ourselves and others, dismissing the notion of eternal worth, purpose or power. And yet, our very breathing reveals that we are animated and sustained by our Creator. If He has determined our high worth, who are we to dismiss the dignity of work – for ourselves or others?

For we are His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them.
Ephesians 2:10
O God,
We praise you as our Creator, wondering at Your design and purpose for each of us. We confess that we rarely think about the divinity of the daily work you put before us. Additionally, we also frustrate the work of others, dismissing their efforts or denying their investment of heart and mind. Create in us a true understanding of our high calling and show us how to extend our hands to those who might not yet know their worth in You.
- Bless the Catholic Charities team and their supporters as we look for fresh ways to meet the needs of Your creation
- Give us patience with each other, leading us to find unity in You
- As needs become more complex, lead those in distress to help
- Bless our communities, places of work and families with divine protection from all manner of injury, illness and harm
- Teach us to see You first before all else
In Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen.