April 2023 - Care for God's Creation
We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God's creation.

The LORD God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it.
Genesis 2:15
Almighty ever-living God,
You molded man from the good Earth of Your creation and made him in Your image. We recognize that You have made us stewards of this world and we are called to protect what You have given us. We give You praise for the abundant beauty offered to us in this world. As we come together in prayer to help protect Your creation, we ask You to guide us to better cultivate our surroundings so we may please You.
- Grant us the grace to respect and care for Your creation.
- Bless the Catholic Charities team and their supporters as we strive to meet the needs of Your creation.
- Help us to end the suffering of the poor and bring healing to all of Your creation.
- Help us to use our technological inventiveness to undo the damage we have done to Your creation and to sustain Your gift of nature.
- Help us to act now for the good of future generations and all your creatures.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.