Popular Donations


Safe and secure donations with no transaction fees.

Real Estate

Our program takes any property type so long as there is equity.


We accept all types of vehicles nationwide — even boats.

Ways to Give

It is through the kindness and generosity of people like you that make the mission of Catholic Charities possible. There are many ways to give to support our outreach to individuals and families in need.

Tributes made in memory, or in honor of someone beloved.
Contribute to Catholic Charities or a specific program.
Tangible, tax deductible gifts.
Contribute to Catholic Charities on a recurring basis.
Give stocks you’ve owned for more than one year worth more than when you purchased them.
Donate your vehicle or real estate to Catholic Charities.

Corporate & Community Giving

Catholic Charities recognizes the value added to social service delivery with the involvement of partners from our community. Corporate philanthropy generates lasting rewards. Your company can maximize its philanthropic return on investment through giving that addresses stakeholder and shareholder interests. 

For more information on how you can support the work of Catholic Charities, please call 412-456-6953.

Support with a Cash Gift

Catholic Charities assists persons on the basis of need, not creed, race or nationality. We take great pride in our ability to meet the “best practice” standards of leading independent analysts of nonprofit organizations. Currently, 87% of all support received from our supporters goes directly to our programs helping the most in need here in southwestern Pennsylvania. 

Sponsor an Event

Throughout the year, there are many opportunities to sponsor events that benefit Catholic Charities: Hope From Home, Sporting Clay Shoot, The Jessie Games, and our new Pickleball Tournament to benefit our St. Joseph House of Hospitality. For more information on how your company can get involved, check out our events section or email events@ccpgh.org.

Employee Giving

As you roll out an employee giving campaign, Catholic Charities is happy to speak with your employees regarding the impact our services have on those who live and work in the communities we serve. If you participate if you participate in United Way’s Giving Campaign, click here for a list of Catholic Charities codes. If you do not have an activate employee giving campaign but would like to start one, Catholic Charities would be happy to assist. 

In-Kind Donation Drive

Employee giving campaigns give businesses a chance to get their employees involved with Catholic Charities. We make it easy for you by helping you shape your program and speak to your employees about the impact their donations can make.  


Our volunteers are vital to our mission to serve people in with compassion, healing and hope. We invite your corporate group or organization to volunteer with Catholic Charities and provide your team with a tangible experience to making an impact on our neighbors in our community. To learn more about group volunteer opportunities throughout the year see our Volunteering and Internship Opportunities page or email volunteer@ccpgh.org.

Let's Start a Conversation

Bethany Young 
Director of Development 

United Way

Catholic Charities is a proud partner of United Way in each county we serve. If you live or work in the area supported in partnership through the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania, use the following codes to donate to your program or county of choice:

All Programs 4206
Allegheny 95
Beaver 604
Butler 2445
Greene 1943
Lawrence 2111
Free Health Care Center 9062472
Roselia Pregnancy & Parenting 4123
St. Joseph House of Hospitality 290