Gismondi Job Training Program

We'll teach you the skills to be successful in telecommunications, fiber optics and broadband, and more!

Register Today
Call 412-456-6989.

Next Trimester:

  • July 31, 2023

Virtual Orientation:

  • First Friday of each month at 12:00 PM on Zoom.

Register to receive your invitation link.

What we offer:

  • Hands-on telecommunications training in just 3 months
  • Connections to businesses that are looking for the skills we’ll teach you

What you’ll earn immediately

  • Five professional certifications sought after by the telecommunications industry
  • A starting wage of $20/hour

What you can expect in the future

  • Continued growth and higher income
  • An end of living paycheck to paycheck

This program is made possible due to the generosity of John and Lisa Gismondi and The Gismondi Foundation.

Launched with a legacy gift from The Gismondi Foundation, the Gismondi Job Training Program provides broadband telecommunications training for adults seeking employment in jobs that install, test, and troubleshoot infrastructure for telephone, television, or internet systems.

Telecommunications is one of the fastest-growing industries with thousands of jobs that go unfilled in southwestern Pennsylvania. Starting wages begin at $18/hour with the likelihood of increases and job promotions. 

In 3 months through the Gismondi Job Training Program of Catholic Charities, we will teach and certify qualified learners the skills to be successful in the following areas:


Telecommunications involves building communication networks, installing the systems that 20th-Century communications run on, and maintaining or updating that infrastructure.  

Jobs include:

  • Telecommunications Technician
  • Low Voltage Electrician's Assistant
  • Security & Fire Alarm Installer

Fiber Optics and Broadband

Fiber Optics and Broadband is a field that builds and maintains the cabling that provides internet and telephone systems.  

Jobs include:

  • Fiber Optics Cable Installer
  • Fiber Optics Splicing
  • Fiber Optics Production Technician
  • Fiber Optics Network Operator

Our part

We will

  • Teach you the basics of Telecommunications Technologies and how they connect us with the world
  • Provide expert, hand-on experiences to prepare you for your job
  • Make certain you’ll be work-ready after the training
  • Offer the opportunity to obtain 5 in-demand certifications to highlight your new real-world skills 
  • Help you find employment and provide additional job skills like resume building or interview practice – even after you graduate

Next steps

Fore more information call 412-456-6989 or email