Quiet Moments
True victory often comes through a series of quiet, unseen moments:
… deciding to do the right thing when no one seems to care …
… taking the next step through the desert path despite fatigue or fear …
… choosing another person’s needs over our own.
It’s counterintuitive to the way the world operates. We want our wins quickly with the least amount of effort.
At Catholic Charities, we understand. If we could instantly fix the pain and debilitating problems our clients face, we would do in it a heartbeat.
Instead, we celebrate the day-in, day-out miracle of the mundane, the small wins that culminate in breakthrough -- the long walks through the desert where strength is born.
Our goal is to reframe every need brought to us as an invitation to work toward long-term stability. It takes greater investment of time and resources, but the alternative is a series of quick fixes that don’t lead to security.
That means we offer clients the opportunity to learn financial literacy and how to set budgets, instead of relying on repeated assistance.
The young mom receiving necessary baby supplies will also have the chance to understand healthy discipline and normal development milestones.
The person seeking safe shelter can also find professional counseling.
As we begin our journey through this Lenten season, it’s worth remembering that Jesus’ victory on the cross began long before his Good Friday sacrifice and Easter resurrection. In addition to the trial of the desert, there were the years of anonymity – unrecorded moments of learning to trust God’s timing and provision and learning the joy of sacrificial giving. These are wins, too.
Will you make a donation today to help our neighbors in need find their strength and encourage the small wins that lead to great victory?
May this season reveal God’s love for you in fresh ways.
Susan Rauscher
Executive Director, Catholic Charities