July 2024 – Dignity and Work and the Rights of Workers
In today’s fast-paced world, where profit margins often overshadow the well-being of workers, we must remember that the economy exists to serve people—not the other way around. Work transcends mere livelihood; it is a sacred participation in God’s ongoing creation. Just as God rested on the seventh day, recognizing the value of rest, we too must honor the dignity of labor.

Moreover, that all can eat and drink and enjoy the good of all their toil—this is a gift of God.
Ecclesiastes 3:13
Almighty God, source of all justice and fairness, we lift our voices in concern for the rights of workers in our world. Inspired by the teachings of your Son, Jesus Christ, who championed the dignity of labor, we come together in prayer:
- For those facing unfair wages and exploitation. May employers treat their workers with dignity and respect, recognizing the value they bring to the workplace.
- For safe working conditions for all. Grant wisdom to leaders who can create regulations that protect the health and well-being of laborers.
- For those struggling to make ends meet. Bless honest work and guide our economies towards systems that provide fair compensation for a person's contribution.
- For a renewed sense of solidarity amongst workers. Grant them the strength to advocate for fair treatment and a just wage.
- For employers to be guided by ethical principles. May they prioritize the well-being of their workforce and create a work environment that fosters human flourishing.
Help us to build an economy that serves the needs of all, where work is a source of dignity and a path to a fulfilling life.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.